

Pricing for 2024-2025 season!

Payment Options for Ballet Classes

There is an $85 costume rental fee due for EACH production (Nutcracker and Spring Production). 

Costume fee is due by the first class in September and the first class in January.

Costume fees and Tuition must be made out to Classic Pointe Dance Academy 

(cash or check). 


  • Monthly Payments......$50 Due the first week of every month September-May. ($450 total)
  • Half Season......$225 Due the first day of class in September and January. 
  • Pointe Class…….$100 Sept-Dec; Jan-May $150


Payments paid after the first week of the month due will be charged a $10 late fee.

A $25 dollar fee will be charged for any checks returned by the bank.





You may bring payments (cash or check) with you to class in an envelope labeled with your child's name.

Thank you!